Arrival of Participative Pluralism

The same basic principles of pluralism appear in different forms at different stages of political development.

  • Privileged Pluralism-I is the pragmatic spontaneous and/or traditional starting point.
  • Plutocratic Pluralism-II emerges following incorporation of legitimist, individualist & rationalist modes in Cycle-1.
  • Participative Pluralism-III emerges following incorporation of
    conventionalist, transcendentalist & communalist modes in Cycle-2.

Values & Institutions of the Pluralist Mode Revisited (Again)

The fundamental features of pluralism as emergent in the time before design are still present, but they are manifested very differently now. Above all the source of power is not brute force or time-bound tradition, but the many strengths of a self-aware people.

Political power is liable to be decentralized to smaller territorial communities as explained in terms of subsidiarity.

Communities will vary according to the nature of their territory, historical factors, and the productivity and constructive attitudes of their members. Those that attract and keep the most capable individuals as members are likely to have the greatest influence on matters affecting communities within wider society. In any case, power will spontaneously emerge according to the significance of particular communities.


Integrating Force:

Socio-political Institution:

Governance Requirement:


Personal Benefit:

Social Interactions:

Provision of Knowledge:

Personal-Ethical Requirements

Core Value & Civic Virtue

Originally posted: July 2009; Last updated: 11-Apr-2014.